Database module

The DB modules provide database connectivity and operations for the Pillars application. There are two database modules:

  • db: the main database module using Skunk for interacting with PostgreSQL databases

  • db-doobie: a Doobie-based database module for interacting with databases using JDBC drivers

Use only one of these two modules in your application. Using both modules in the same application will result in a conflict.

Database Configuration

The configuration is read from the application’s configuration file under the db section.


The database configuration is defined in the pillars.db.DatabaseConfig case class. It includes the following fields:

  • host: The host of the database.

  • port: The port of the database.

  • database: The name of the database.

  • username: The username for the database.

  • password: The password for the database.

  • system-schema: The schema for pillars configuration in the database.

  • app-schema: The schema for the application in the database.

  • ssl: The SSL mode for the database. Accepted values are none, trusted and system. See Skunk documentation for more information.

  • pool-size: The size of the connection pool.

  • debug: A flag indicating whether to enable debug mode.

  • probe: The configuration for the database probe.


The database configuration is defined in the pillars.db_doobie.DatabaseConfig case class. It includes the following fields:

  • driver-class-name: The JDBC driver class name.

  • url: The JDBC URL of the database.

  • username: The username for the database.

  • password: The password for the database.

  • system-schema: The schema for pillars configuration in the database.

  • app-schema: The schema for the application in the database.

  • pool-size: The size of the connection pool.

  • debug: A flag indicating whether to enable debug mode.

  • probe: The configuration for the database probe.

  • statement-cache: Configuration of the statement cache. It contains the following fields:

    • enabled: A flag indicating whether to enable the statement cache.

    • size: The size of the statement cache.

    • sql-limit: The maximum length of the SQL string to be cached.

Using the DB Module

To use the DB module, you need to import it and then access it.

import pillars.db.* // using skunk
import pillars.db // using doobie

For Skunk:

import pillars.db.*
import skunk.*

def foo[F[_]](using Pillars[F]) =
    sessions.use: session =>
        session.unique(sql"SELECT 1".query[Int])

For Doobie:

import pillars.db_doobie.*
import doobie.*

def foo[F[_]](using Pillars[F]) =
    sql"SELECT 1".query[Int].unique.transact(db.transactor)


The DB module provides a probe for health checks.

val isHealthy: F[Boolean] = dbModule.probes.head.check

This will return a boolean indicating whether the database is healthy or not.